about Dr. Rommel SI
Dr. Rommel SIs a Consultant HPB and Transplant Surgeon in the Department or Liver Diseases, HPB Surgery andTransplantation at Sparsh Hospital,Mysore Road,Bangalore.He completed his MBBS from B.M.Patil Medical College and MS In General Surgery from Mysore Medical College. Later he completed MChin HPBSurgery fromthe Institute of Liverand Biliary Sciences,New Oel1i. Hewas then associatedwithalargemulticenter livertransplant programinSouth India.
Apart from liver transplant his specialareas of interest include complex liver resections, pancreatic diseases, gall bladder malignancies and surgeries for portalhypertension. He has presented research work in International and National conferences and also been awarded for the same. He has also publishedvariousarticlesinNationaland Internationaljournals
Areas of Expertise
• LiverTransplantation {Cadaveric&Living Donor)
• Complex HPBSurgeryincluding vascular reconstruction
• Minimally Invasive necrosectomy for pancreaticnecrosis
• GallBladder Cancer
• Mullimodalitymanagementof HCC
• Managementof extrahepatic portalhypertension